Terms and Conditions

Additional Conditions for Registered Users

Limited License

Food Manager USA  hereby grants each registered user a limited, non-exclusive, non-sub-licensable and non-transferable license to access the content and information available in login areas of the website according to the provisions contained herein, and subject to the payment of the applicable subscription fees.

Access to Content

We strive to provide access to product on a continuous basis and have invested significant amounts to support this effort. We will make all reasonable efforts to provide uninterrupted access to the website for all registered users. However, from time to time, registered users may be unable to access the website (product) due to conditions beyond our control. Such conditions include, but are not limited to: force majeure, acts of God, power cuts, and the acts of those acting outside the law. Also, from time to time, access may be unavailable due to software issues, server downtime, increased Internet traffic or downtime, programming errors, regular maintenance of the system, and other related reasons. In response to any unavailability we will take all commercially reasonable steps to ensure access is restored in a timely, responsive and reasonable period of time.

Prohibited Conduct

Uploading, entering or otherwise transferring any virus or communication to the website that is in any way offensive or affects the use, enjoyment or service of the Website.

Capturing, downloading, saving or otherwise retaining information and content available on the website other than what is expressly allowed by these terms and conditions.

Permitting or providing others access to the product using their user name and password, or the name and password of another registered user. Copying, modifying, reverse engineering, disassembling, redistributing, republishing, altering, creating derivative works from, assigning, licensing, transferring or adapting any of the software, information, text, graphics, source code or HTML code, or other content available on the website.

Removing or modifying any copyright, trademark, legal notices, or other proprietary notations from the content available on the website.

Transferring any website content to another person; be it in linking or actual transfer of files or violate or attempting to violate any installed security mechanisms.

Accessing any data or server you are not authorized to access or otherwise breaching the security of the website or corrupting the website in any way. Or use any device or means to harvest information about other registered users or the website.

Engaging in any other conduct which violates the Copyright Act or other laws of the USA.

All visitors and registered users agree to indemnify and hold harmless Food Manager USA and its directors, agents, employees, and assigns from and against any cause of action or claim, including court costs, expenses and attorney fees, related to or arising from prohibited conduct or other improper or illegal use of the website, or any other breach of these terms and conditions.

Copyrights, Trademarks, and Other Proprietary Rights

Food Manager USA  shall retain all worldwide rights in the intellectual property in and on the website, including, but not limited to, trademarks, eLearning approaches and systems, ideas, the source and HTML code of the website, the “look and feel” of the website, all other graphical elements, and the copyrights in and to its original content. It should assume that everything viewable on the website is copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise protected and owned or licensed by Food Manager USA.


All visitor and registered users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the website. You represent and warrant that you are the person on whose behalf you claim to accept these terms and conditions, or, if you are entering into these terms on behalf of a person or entity, you represent and warrant that you have the power and authority to enter into these terms and bind the person or entity. You also represent and warrant that you are an adult who is legally able to enter into these terms and conditions. You may not use the account, user name or password of someone else at any time. You agree to notify Food Manager USA immediately of any unauthorized use or loss of your account, user name, password, and/or credit card information.

Limited Warranties

Food Manager USA warrants that the software allowing registered users access to the website, if operated as directed, will substantially achieve the functionality described on the website. We provide no warranty that any hardware, software or telecoms, and internet service you may use to access the Website or download any System files is compatible or sufficient to access the Website.  Although we have attempted to ensure all information on this website, we make no guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied as to its reliability, accuracy or completeness. Food Manager USA  assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein.

No liability is accepted for any eventuality arising from the use of the product.  All advice inferred from any website content or given by Food Manager USA  staff or representatives, whether it be in written material, videos, via email contact, telephone or face to face is offered in good faith and entirely without liability. All visitors and registered users access this website at their own risk. The website is provided on an ‘as is’ basis without warranty of any kind expressed or implied unless expressively detailed in this terms and conditions document. Food Manager USA  disclaims all warranties and shall have no liability for damages in excess of the amount Food Manager USA  received from the registered user or from a reseller.


Food Manager USA  will continue to make all reasonable efforts to protect the website from attempts to maliciously or illegally access data through hacking, scraping or physical theft of data. However, we will not be held responsible for the actions of any third party successful in accessing data against our wishes and without permission.

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